Monday, May 4, 2015

Umm... How Do I Do This?

Umm... How Do I Do This?

My First Blog Post

Hi everyone! My name is Shannon Rogers. I am 21 years old and LOVE to travel! This year alone, I have traveled/am traveling to Grand Cayman, Mexico, Ghana, and New Zealand. I figured I would start a blog to document my adventures, and to help other travelers who are going to some of the countries I am going to or have been to!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am from the Boston, MA area and I am a college student in Wellesley, MA. I have been stuck in a community college for almost 4 years because I am dumb and goofed off for the first 2 years. I am very close to graduating and transferring to a state school to get my BA in Psychology and eventually my Masters in Social Work. I want to work in a school as a School Psychologist or an Adjustment Counselor... It's so hard to decide!

On another note, I am engaged to be married on August 6, 2016 to an amazing man named Matthew Silvia (Matt for short)! We have been together for over 2 1/2 years and it has been the best years of my life. We are having a rustic/country wedding in a barn in Holliston, MA. It was the first venue we looked at and we fell in love with it (and the price)!! We already have 140 guests on the list and the venue can only hold 100. It's going to be hard to make the list smaller because it's virtually all family and literally 2 friends. Anyways, enough about that!

I have a 3-year-old niece, Kaylee Lynn Rogers, who is my world. Before she was born, I was going through a very rough time with a major life decision that I was forced to make, and that I regretted so much. When I saw Kaylee's beautiful face and got to hold her for the first time, my whole perspective on life changed completely. I was brought out of the deep depression that I was in and on that day, I vowed to myself and to her to be the best Auntie I could possibly be. Recently my sister, Michele, moved to Pennsylvania with Kaylee and I am still so heartbroken. I only see her one weekend a month, when I used to see her at least twice a week. It has been 5 months that Kay has been gone, and I'm still so lost. I am missing out on so many things that she is doing... She is growing up so much and I am missing it all. The only good thing, and I mean ONLY good thing, about it is that when she sees me she is so much more excited than before, and she doesn't want to leave my side. No matter how far away she is, I love her more and more every day.

That's all for now, folks! Look for my next blog post titled "Things to Remember on a Cruise to the Caribbean!"

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